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Online Payment Method

In the present age, everyone want to earn money online.
But for this purpose you should have an online payment bank for your payments.
There are a large number of online bank which provides you services.
Below some of them are explained here. is very well known payment system in the whole world. This payment system is very secure and easy to use. One you transfer payment from your account to another account, it takes only few seconds to complete this.
Here is full explanation to signup

Perfect Money - appeared in 2008 and quickly became popular and the second system after Liberty Reserve in HYIP fund payment systems. It has been translated into many languages (including Russian) and works with two international currencies: USD and EUR, as well as troy ounces of gold.
Perfect Money is fully anonymous like Liberty Reserve, during registration you can enter anything you want.
Perfect Money has registered in Switzerland in Zurich.

Description Perfect Money account registration

To begin the registration please follow this link: in the upper right corner, select your language website (This article uses the English language site), then click on "Signup
Then you go to the registration page. It looks so;
WARNING! ll fields are filled only in English, you may use the digits.
Then in field "Account Name" type the name of the account: (for example: My account). Account name will be shown when someone pays you, or receives a transfer from you.
In the field "Name" you type your name.
In the field "City" you type your city.
In the field "address" Enter your address (not necessarily).
In the field "Country" select a country.
In the field "State / Province" enter state / Province (optional).
In the field "Zip / Postal code" enter your ZIP code.
In the field "E-mail" write your E-mail. On it you will receive a letter with the activation.
In the field "Phone / Fax" enter your phone or fax (optional).
Next, you must choose your account type Personal or Business. For individuals it must be Personal.
In the fields "Password" and "Retype Password" you enter your password.
Below in the field you must input " code from the image " , put a tick opposite "I agree with terms and conditions" and press the button " Register ".
In e-mail you will receive a letter with the login (ID) to log in to your account.
Go to the page "Login, enter your password and login (ID) from the letter. Now you can use your account.


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